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Vincenzo Onorato har åbenbart ikke en milliard kroner i forsøget på at vinde America's Cup.Kapsejlads
Vincenzo Onorato har åbenbart ikke en milliard kroner i forsøget på at vinde America's Cup.

Mazcalzone trækker sig fra America's Cup - se afskedsbrev

Der var ikke budget til at vinde cuppen, fortæller den italienske rigmand, Vincenzo Onorato, der var chef for Challenger of Record. Christian Kamp kritiserer Oracle Racing. Se Onoratos brev.

Af Troels Lykke |

Vincenzo Onorato kunne allerede nu se, at han og holdet ikke kunne vinde America's Cup, hvorfor så deltage?

"Når jeg går på vandet, så vil jeg vinde og jeg er ikke interesseret i en håbløs kampagne," siger italieneren fra Mascalzone Latino, der netop var udfordrer til denne cup.

Og derfor var Vincenzo Onorato med til at gøre det muligt for Oracle Racing at skabe en America's Cup i flerskrogsbåde.

Men nu syntes italineren at budgettet bliver for voldsomt med vingemast og en masse forskning i den 34. Cup i San Francisco i 2013..

Kamp kritiserer Oracle Racing

Danske Christian Kamp har før sagt at de forsvarende AC-vindere Oracle Racing holder kortene alt for tæt overfor udfordrene.

"Ingen kender banen, der skal sejles på og hvad skal båden så bygges til og der er mange andre usikkerheder. Oracle holder kortene tæt og er sikker på at vinde den næste cup, det virker ikke rigtigt den måde, som coutts og Oracle kører det på," sagde Kamp fornylig til minbaad.dk.

Kamp var en del af den britiske America's Cup-satsning, der droppede ud, da Oracle Racing valgte at der skulle sejles i flerskrogsbåde.

Brev fra Vincenzo Onorato

Dear Friends and Supporters.

It is with profound sadness that I announce the retirement of the Mascalzone Latino America's Cup.Since the beginning of our investiture as Challenger of Record, I worked on the project to host the Cup in our country.

Larry really loves Italy and was enthusiastic about the idea. The Cup in Italy was the largest worldwide promotion for our beautiful coastline. 

There were meetings at the highest level that seemed to believe the dream, then things went differently.

Challenger of Record as we worked with humility alongside Oracle Racing and I am satisfied with the outcome: a new pair, spectacular, with boats, catamarans, which will launch on the international scene a new generation of sailors.

By Russell we discussed at length on the most difficult challenges that the next Cup will face: a depressed economy and the international scene so great difficulties in finding sponsors. This is the only true, real enemy of the next Cup. ¨

Thus was born the idea of ??class AC45, a concrete way to bring several teams to the event cost at least in the delicate phase of the start-up.
As for us, I must thank the two sponsors of Italians who have placed their trust.

Are unable to reach a budget that allows us to be competitive.
In our sports men in blazers have now surpassed those in waxed paper, I remain a man in a waxed and when I go into the sea I want to win. 

A challenge lost cause I do not care, I would be lying to sponsors, our fans and also to myself.

I thank the friends of the Nautical Club of Rome. I am sure that together we will have exciting new adventures.

The Sailing Mascalzone Latino, however, does not end with the Cup, but continues with the school for the children of the poor neighborhoods of Naples, a daily challenge, who knows that one day they come out a new specimen cup.

Fair winds to all.
Vincenzo Onorato 
