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PAUL TODD/Volvo Ocean RaceKapsejlads
Arkivfoto: Troels Lykke

Abu Dhabi vinder inshore hjemme - video

Team Abu Dhabi vinder over konkurrenterne i deres hjemby. Telefonica bliver sidst

Af Rasmus Antoft |

Tusindvis af tilskuere var til stede under Volvo Ocean Race inport sejladserne for at støtte op om holdet fra byen, Team Abu Dhabi.

Vigtig dag for teamet

Skipper på Abu Dhabi fortæller: 

- Det er fantastisk at vinde i "hjemvandet". Vil ville bare vinde sejladsen, og var klare til at tage risikoer. Vi var klar over at hvis vi kunne vinde, så ville det blive noget specielt for alle.

- We’re involved in a nine-month odyssey round the world but today is the most important day for Abu Dhabi. We have never seen this many boats out on the water to watch racing, and there are lots of people out who are new to sailing. Right now all they are seeing is their country flag being waved. It’s a real thrill for that to happen.


Teamet ombord på Abu Dhabi er glade, knap så glade må holdet ombord på puma være.

1.Abu Dhabi Ocean Racing 6 points
2. Groupama sailing team 5
3. CAMPER with Emirates Team New Zealand 4
4. PUMA Ocean Racing powered by BERG 3
5. Team Telefonica 2


1. Team Telefonica 68
2. CAMPER with Emirates Team New Zealand 62
3. Groupama sailing team 47
4. PUMA Ocean Racing powered by BERG 31
5. Abu Dhabi Ocean Racing 25
6. Team Sanya 4

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