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Luna Rossa vinder igen over Artemis - se relive

To sejre mere over Artemis, så er Pradas Luna Rossa klar til at møde Emirates Team New Zealand i finalen i Louis Vuitton Cup.

Af Troels Lykke |

Det svenske hold Artemis tabte atter til Luna Rossa i Louis Vuitton Cup i San Francisco. Det får CEO, Russell Coutts fra Oracle Racing Team, der skal møde vinderne af Louis Vuitton Cup, til at skrive følgende i dag på facebook:

- Got to give credit to Artemis. Sure, they've been beaten twice but I think they will get their gybing more sorted. The strange thing is that they may find it easier in stronger wind when the boat speed is higher. i'm hoping they take at least one race off Luna Rosa.... In fact I am going out on a limb here and predicting that will happen!!!

Finalen i Louis Vuitton Cup sejles fra 17. august og America's Cup-finalen fra 7. september.

Sådan er banen i America's Cup
