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Kirketerp styrer mod ny rekord i Cape Town - Rio

Den danske havkapsejler Martin Kirketerp har sendt ny update fra Atlanten på VO 70eren Maserati. Holdet har kun 710 sømil til mål. Se også danskeren grinde mens han udtaler sig.

Af Troels Lykke |

Martin Kirketerp skriver sent lørdag fra Maserati:

We are currently around 1100 miles (nu 710 sømil, red.) away from Rio. Speed is really good. around 18 to 20 knots. Routing has us in at around 10 days. That being tuesday 12:00 UTC.

We are fighting to see if we can get under 10 days and get to the single digit number of days. (redkorden er 12 dage, red.)

Weather the last couple of days has unfortunatly been lighter, but this morning saw the breeze building again. right now we are chopping good miles of, pointing straight to Rio more or less.

Some more gybing ahead is expected, breeze should stay like this for strenght for 24 hours, then drop, as we go into a transitionzone.

Then maybe a bit of power reaching to finish off with. That would be awesome. Weather is off course a little bit more unpredictable as we go closer to the shore line of South America.

Damage list so far is still the stacking post, one sail ripped and we broke a runner the other day.

Luckily it got spotted and fixed before gybing onto it. Everyone onboard is in good shape, only a few bruises and blue marks here and there, but that is hard to avoid. (impossible for us running around on the bow and the waves comes in at speed.)

Rio, here we go!

