Bekking og Dolmer nu på 200 ton J-båd
Bouwe Bekking er taktiker på J-båden Lionhart, hvor 35 personer er om bord. Igen blogger proffen fra Danmark til Nu om Palma Vela-stævne på Mallorca.
Topproffen i sejlsport, Bouwe Bekking fra Nordsjælland, skriver til
After a couple of days intensive training with the entire crew, which are 35 including friends and guests, we started the Palma Vela event onboard the J-class Lionheart and the first day we had blistering conditions 25-30 knots , which is on the limit to sail a nearly 200 ton boat.
I am again doing as usual tactics and Jens Dolmer is organizing the pit and the foredeck. Communication is difficult on a boat this size, so key people are miked up with a comm system.
Kun otte proffer om bord
We are only 8 pro’s onboard, while other J’s sails have 25, but the rest of our guys are superb sailors and it works.
I can be sometimes a big advantage not to have all guru’s onboard, as our guys just do what you ask for.
Of course long debriefs are necessary with a big team as we are looking for improvements all over the board.
Sejlvægt på 350 kilo
The first time we hooked up a jib it took nearly 20 minutes to get every single hank on, now we are down to 10 minutes, remember this sail weight nearly 350 kg and is 445 square meters.
We finished 4th in the first race and decided not to start the 2nd race as we had a couple of broken battens in the jib and mainsail.
North 3Di er fantastisk
We see this event as a training event, and it wouldn’t be wise to take the risk to start with broken battens, as our North 3DI sails are fantastic, and before you know you can tear your sails.
Still it was a good test for the boat as we had a big westerly swell running. Speaking North Sails, Ib Ussing Andersen and Jens Christensen are calling the shots on two Wally's.
Resultater i top 3
The 2nd day was a very good day for us, after a short postponement the seabreeze kicked, sometimes reaching 20 knots and we sailed well, good maneuvers , going the right way and having good starts.
The first race we finished 3rd and the 2nd race we won on handicap, so smiles everywhere. Two more days to go, today a coastal race of around 50 miles.